Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday Thirteen # Who Knows What Number I'm On.

Since I am still trying to get back into this whole thing I am going to use this as my to do list that needs to be done by this weekend.


1. Still have 54 small businesses in which to place new signage in.

2. 8 Walmarts that I need to audit electronics dept.

3. 4 Walmarts that I need to work in for another company in the HBA Dept. Thank goodness I can knock out these at the same time as the ones above this.

4. Since we are having company for the weekend I still need to shop. I have a grocery list already made but need to find time to shop.

5. Popcorn sales at Blockbuster tomorrow night from 5-8

6. Popcorn sales on Saturday morning on post from 10-2.

7. Make spinach artichoke dip and potato salad for BBQ on Saturday.

8. Make the pound cake for dessert for the BBQ,

9. Mop kitchen floor and clean the main bathroom.

10. Go to the bank and deposit several checks that I have not had time to deposit.

11. I'm gonna count this as seperate because it takes time of it's own.....enter the reports for all of the reports I am able to finish.

12. Pick up Jack's heartworm pills.

13. Kill Mad Hatter for not thinking that any of this is important.

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Julia Phillips Smith said...

Definitely remember to deposit the checks!

Andi said...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one spending too much time in Walmart!!

CountryDew said...

Wow, what a lot to do. Hope you get it all done.

hi5 said...

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