Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Random Mixture of Stuff

Wow...time sure does fly doesn't it? I have such good intentions with things and then life swoops in and gets in the way. Let's see...things going on......

*Dormouse found a place to live and is moving out this week. Or maybe next week. Who knows? She found the place at the beginning of the month and paid her deposit and the first months rent. She has the key. She has moved stuff in. She has not, however, gotten the electric turned on. This could be partly because she wrecked her car a couple weeks ago and although she has full coverage there is a deductible. She has also been borrowing my car for the last week and a half while waiting for hers to get fixed. Please let it be fixed soon.

*Mad Hatter's best friend has been staying with us since last Thursday due to some personal problems at home. It's been nice getting to know someone who has known him longer than I have and to hear about all the old stories they share.

*Because updating my blog seems to be a chore I decided to try out that whole Twitter thing...let's see how that pans out. For the record I am whiterabbit08.

*With Mad Hatter's friend here, my house has gotten some much needed repair work done. So far, new pantry shelves and bathroom painted. This weekend MH promised my bathroom would be tiled. I just need to figure out what exactly this power that his friend has that motivates MH and somehow bottle it.

*Has anyone tried those Bacardi bottled Mojitos, Mango flavored? Those are the best things in the world. I strongly recommend them. Beware though....I hardly ever drink so I thought I would just have one or two and before I knew it, seven of them were gone.

*The other day I was complaining because all of my glass baking dishes have disappeared. In a totally uncharactaristic burst of fate, I found a website that was having a mega sale on Pyrex baking dishes (9x13 AND 8x8) for $1.99 EACH. Shipping was $6.95 so I bought two of each to make it worth it. So for $15.98 I have four new Pyrex baking dishes.

*Work is work....I should really play the lottery more often.


Alice Audrey said...

What's the web site? I don't need it, but I LOVE Pyrex. I never feel like I have enough of it.

whiterabbit said...

It's worldkitchen.com but when I looked a bit ago they were out of the $1.99 things. However, they had a bunch of other stuff that is priced decently.

Andi said...

Hey, I'm twitterin' too! I'll look for ya . . .

Andi said...

PS - I am AndiCat14

Centros de Estetica said...

Thanks for the informative. Fantastic blog. Congratulations!!!
