Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A new start

I have decided that I have let this one languish long enough. I am having a hard time getting into it so have since decided to start all over again. If anyone would like to follow me to my new home it is

Monday, March 1, 2010

Things in my head

*I spent the day doing the one thing I hate more than anything in the world. I did my taxes. And no, before you ask, I am NOT happy. Again this year I owe more than I feel comfortable, though I did much better this year than I did last year. I only owe about a third of what I had to pay in last year and though it will be a little tight for the next six weeks, I will pay it off by the 15th if it kills me. Once that is out of the way then I can worry about next years and paying in enough so that I can get a little closer to where I only have to write out a check for a couple hundred instead of a couple thousand. I have no desire to actually give them MY money to hang onto for the year, I would much rather owe a little bit.

*I'm not sure, but it is possible that I may kill my son. This is not good on so many levels, one of them being that he is the last tax deduction that I have living at home. I really wish I could figure out what his problem is with turning things in at school and remembering to complete them when he doesn't finish them at school. It's very frustrating.

*It's weird, my dryer broke sometime around the beginning of January. I decided that I wasn't going to rush out and buy another one until I had saved some money for it. Cash. But, as time has passed and the money has sat there, I realized that I actually LIKE hanging out clothes on the clothes line. I had a little bit of trouble at first with the whole softner scenario and the weather has not always cooperated, but I really, really like doing it. I thought it would be a pain in the butt to do since I work during the day but I have gotten into a pretty good routine and I think I will continue to do it this way. YAY! $500 for my taxes right there!!

*I read this book the other day by Joy Fielding, who is one of those authors that can keep you guessing. This particular book I figured out what was going on (possibly I have gotten used to her writing style) fairly quickly but it was definitely odd. It was about a woman who was hit by a car and in a coma. But she could hear everything going on around her. How strange would that be, you would almost be like a fly on the wall.

*Found out Friday my first grandchild is going to be a boy! We started buying things

*Feeling very introspective lately. Where the hell is THAT coming from???

*Had a bbq on Saturday with all of my kids and their families here. Also, some very good friends came over. With the prep work out of the way on Friday evening I was able to sit and visit with my girls and our friends and had a great time. We need to do this more often.

*Note to self: make dog an appointment this month for his yearly shots. Then pay vet bucketloads of money.

*Damn..more notes to self: Pick up new filter. Get oil changed. Make son an appointment for sports physical. Drop off lawn mower to get serviced. Mail MH dad's bday card. Pick up stamps. Call grandmother. Move money from paypal to savings account. Drop off rent check. Go online to Kinko's and order some copies to pick up for work.

* I really need to go through the closet in my office with all the POP for my job in it and clean it out. Especially since I just got a crapload of emails telling me that tons more are coming.