Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's that time of year again

It's the time of year where I must say goodbye to my favorite television characters for the summer and pray they return in the fall. Last year I had to say goodbye to both Charmed and Gilmore Girls. This year it looks like I may luck out and get to keep all the shows that I watch and love. But what about the characters????
Let's start with Bones :
I have watched this show from the beginning and though alot of people complain about it, I have always liked it. The season finale however, really threw me off. In the preceding episode it looked like Booth had been killed and the opening scene in the season finale did little to dispute that since they were all getting ready to go to his funeral. Now, personally I really felt that there was no way they could kill off his character and I really had a feeling that his death had been faked somehow. Of course the writers came up with the same logical conclusion though they came up with a really half assed explanation for it. I however, will forgive them for this faux pas specifically because they finally ended the "Gormogon" mystery. I was surprised, not shocked, about the way they brought that around. Someone in the Jeffersonian had to be involved as his apprentice and though I did not believe for a second that it was Hodgins (way too obvious) I was caught off guard when it was revealed that it was Zack.

This is one of my favorite shows of all time. I love Mark Harmon and Mike Weatherly. The show would just not be the same without either of those people. For months now I had heard that someone would be getting killed off by the end of the season. There are seven main characters and it would definitely be one of those seven. Gibbs, Tony, Ziva, McGee, Abby, Jenny or Ducky. After careful consideration I determined that the only one of these that I would be comfortable with losing is Jenny. And because the writers over at NCIS carefully check with me before making any major decisions, they concurred and Jenny was killed within the first hour of the two hour season finale. I knew there would be fallout from this and that the team would take a beating, however it never occurred to me that the new NCIS director would decide that he should play God and split the team up. The season finale ended with Ziva getting sent back to Israel, Tony getting assigned to a ship and McGee getting reassigned to the cyber division! No, no, no NCIS writers. Bad writers!! Someone, somewhere better be gearing up to fix this immediately in the beginning of the next season or I will be incredibly upset.


Seriously, I haven't been into CSI for quite awhile. Though I was really happy when Sara left,I just never quite got back into that adoration I had for this show in the beginning . I did manage to tune into the finale because I knew that this would be Warrick's last hurrah and figured that I would see how they did with that. Seriously....there is nothing that CSI could do to beat the season finale years ago when they buried Nick Stokes alive. That show had me sitting on the edge of my seat and I honestly have not been able to get back to enjoying it as much as I did then. As the episode progressed and it came out the Warrick had been set up I really thought that he would just say "Screw it, I'm done." or else he would get fired because of his personal problems or something. I did not expect him to be shot, point blank, while we all sat and watched. It should make for an interesting few episodes at the beginning of next season so I will probably tune in to watch that and see how it plays out.

Criminal Minds

OMG...where to start?? JJ finally announced that she was pregnant and it was so touching the way that Hotchner was upset that she didn't tell him. Morgan was in fine form and the premise of the episode was very compelling. I mean come on......all these murders and different suspects in each one? Brilliant! But the ending...oh the ending. The last scene is everyone getting into their vehicles and of course they all have dark colored SUV's. Hotch, JJ, Morgan, Reid, Rossi, Garcia and Emily. All in different vehicles! And then one of them blows up! IT BLOWS UP! And so now I have to wait until the beginning of next season to find out who. Personally, I am going to go on the line and make my assumption right now. I believe that it will be JJ and though she will lose the baby and Will will be killed, she will somehow survive. That is just my theory.


I have been bored with House this entire season. Ever since Cameron, Chase, and Foreman left House's team it just hasn't been the same. I caught a few episodes throughout the season and got to know some of the new team members. I was never overly crazy about Amber but I was really glad when she and Wilson got together. I really enjoyed the episode where he realized that Amber was just a female version of house. It was hilarious. I really looked forward to seeing where they were going to take that relationship and how House figured into it. Amber was involved in a bus crash along with House, whom she was actually just trying to help. Of course she took some flu medication and before her kidneys had time to actually process it the bus crashed and damaged her kidneys, making the medication poison the rest of her body. They put her in a protective hypothermia while trying to figure out what is wrong with her but when they finally figure it out, there is nothing they can do. So, they wake her up so that Wilson can at least spend the last few hours of her life with her and that was the most heart wrenching thing I have watched in a very long time. The look on her face as Wilson explains what happened and when she realizes that there is no hope for her. The range of emotions ......disbelief, horror, terror, and sadness. All within seconds. Seriously, this woman deserves an Emmy! This was, without a doubt, the best season finale of all...and from a show that I wasn't even sure that I liked anymore! There was no way to watch this without your eyes tearing up just a little.

So, now I play the waiting game. There is never anything on during the summer worth watching, at least nothing that I have found. But I will have the fall to look forward to......someday.

Friday, May 16, 2008

People who have annoyed me today

1. The GM at one of my stores who decided on the very last day of the week to get everything accomplished that "on second thought he would really like to have that display built"
2. The school nurse who called me while I was working over an hour away to tell me that my son had an accident during Field Day and really needed to be taken in to see the doctor. After traveling at high speeds to get back here because I have the only insurance card for him we realized it was just a little sprain and he was fine. I swear school nurses are the bane of a working mothers existence.
3. The manager of another of my stores who called me to tell me that a display came in and she wouldn't have time to get it up and I really needed to get it out of her storeroom. So tomorrow I will be putting up her damn display.
4. The Altell Information Operator who, when I called the first time to ask for the number to my kids doctor, gave me the wrong number to the wrong place but hurried and transferred me to the automated system before I could finish telling her.
5. The Altell Information Operator that I called the second time to complain about the first and get the number that I needed.
6. The Altell Information Operator that I called the THIRD time to complain because his coworkers were morons and the second operator gave me the friggin fax number.
7. The doctor's office, who decided that in the midst of my incredibly stressful day that putting me on hold for 15 minutes would be a good idea.
8. My District Manager who called me today to apologize because she forgot to order my plane tickets when they were only $150 and now that they are $450 I will have to drive to Dallas instead on Tuesday morning.
9. My sons school who seems to think that I am an amazing person who can pull a fake fur vest out of my ass for his school costume that is due on Monday.
10. My daughters school who calls with the automated message about paying book fines or else they will hold her grades and her diploma for ransom. The books are all turned in on Monday and they are scanned in with the numbers. Now, I was waiting until this happened so we can determine weather or not someone else has her book. When I called the school to tell them this they explained that it was really a long shot and they really wanted to make sure that they get the money turned in by Wednesday. I asked them if I sent in a check and then someone turns in the book does that mean they will contact me and reimburse me. She was unable to answer this simple question.

See.. I was just trying to do the wrong kind of lists. These are really easy!
Please tell me that tomorrow will be a better day

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I know this is a little dark but this is my entry way. No, that is not what my wall looks like.....that is a stack of boxes that were sitting there when I walked in my house this evening. Actually, you can only see six of the boxes. There are NINE.
I have a small car. No gas guzzler for me! Since I drive on average 300-500 miles a week that is usually a good thing. At times like this however, not so good. How in the hell am I going to get all these stupid boxes into my car?????
On another note.....Dormouse's graduation is coming up quickly. I really need to get things together and start on the many of projects that we wanted to get done before then. On Friday afternoon we will be going to pick up the tile so that the kitchen, dining room, entry way and both bathrooms will get tiled, hopefully before next weekend. Mad Hatter has decided that he really wants to do some painting. I have no problem with this but I told him that all the other stuff needs to get done first and if there is any time leftover then he is more than welcome to attempt that.
Mothers Day was really nice. All of my kids were here and it was also Dormouse's 18th birthday so we just combined it all and it was great. I got flowers from Cheshire Cat and from Mad Hatter but since my birthday is on Monday I figure that is okay as long as someone pulls a really nifty present out for me!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I have a dog. His name is Jack. This is my dog.

He is a very cute dog and I actually like him most of the time but seriously, can this dog get any more nuerotic????

For over a week this stupid thing has been limping around and acting like he was dying. Over the weekend it got really bad so on Monday I called and made him an appointment for the next day and took him in to be looked at.

Have you ever had a car that made funny noises and you take it in to the mechanics and all of a sudden the car decides that it is going to run better than it did when it was brand new? That was my dog yesterday.

He stopped limping about a half an hour before the appointment. I took him anyway because I didn't want to feel guilty about not taking him am a good pet owner and wanted to make sure that he was okay. So, the vet feels him up and moves his legs all over the place and checks everything out, just to make sure. And then charges me $111.95 for the entire process, INCLUDING muscle relaxers for when he gets a bit stiff. I don't get muscle relaxers and trust me...after writing that check out I NEEDED THE DAMN MUSCLE RELAXERS!!

So Jack is fine and I put him in the car and we drive home. I let him out of the backseat and followed him into the house. He limped the whole time. Damn dog.

Monday, May 5, 2008

In which I attempt to think positive

I have a friend who has a weekly post of things that she is thankful for. She generally lists ten things every week that has happened and it's always so refreshing to see those happy little moments and even when she is having a hard week she always manages to find ten little things that make her smile.
I thought I would shamelessly steal her nifty little idea, if for no other reason than I really hate Mondays and they always seem to be screwed up.

1. Caterpillar managed to not only pass his TAKS tests but he also has a solid C average in Math which means that he will very probably pass the 5th grade!!!
2. While shopping today I actually remembered to bring my coupons and my total came to $190 but I only paid $130. I actually saved almost $60 in COUPONS!!!
3. Work has been piling on so much lately and though I am a bit tired (okay, can we say freakin exhausted!!!) the checks have been really nice.
4. I only had to fill up my car twice last week instead of three times. (yeah, I know I am stretching it there)
5. Dormouse managed to get her book fine down from $250 to $125 (seriously stretching it now)
6. Mad Hatter has not managed to get me sick yet.
7. Ummmmmmmm.......geez. I am really bad at this. Okay, thinking positive. I have a fairly easy week this week at work.

Oh hell.....I will have to work on this positive thinking thing a bit. I apparently suck at it.